Dr. Ashwini Hajare
Nerobics Laser is a advance technology nero rehab product and I am using it since long. It is multipurpose multisensory fun game for my kids, they are really enjoying and showing improvement in visual pursuits, eye hand coordination, concept formation, memory , etc. I personally recommend Neurobic for condition like Autism, ADHD, LD, Stroke, and other Nero developmental disorders.
Best regards
Utkarsh occupational therapy centre team

Dr. Ashwini Hajare
B.O.Th (paediatric occupational therapist) 10 years of experience in peads Utkarsh Occupational Therapy Center , Trimurti Nagar, NagpurDr Laxmi Ganjapure Sambre
Neurobics Laser products are really creative and custom made.
Very useful for kids with Autism, Attention deficit and Coordination disorders.
It will improve sustained attention, focusing skills,eye hand coordination, visual tracking,etc.
Child friendly and easy maintenance.

Dr Laxmi Ganjapure Sambre
Pediatric occupational therapist, Kids orbit Nagpur. (Done masters of occupational therapy in developmental disabilities from Govt Medical College Nagpur.)Very useful for fine movement of hand.
This device is based on the principles of Neuroplasticity with cognitive and precision exercises of hand and fingers, After a stroke the patient is unable to perform his/her activities of daily living specially fine movements of the hand. So it is very important to stimulate the brain through task specific hand movements. I am using it and initial results are encouraging.

Dr Satish Kumar
BPT, MPT (Sports Medicine), Fellowship Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Instructional Course in Spine, PNF Certified Level 1, MKT Kinetic Tape Certified practitioner.100% Recommended
It’s a Good device , helped me a lot in my Department . Getting good results.

Dr Girish Meti
Physiotherapist, Katti Hospital, Bagalkot, KarnatakaHelps in faster recovery!
This neurobics finger is a great device which gives immediate feedback to the patient.. it helps in faster recovery. I would recommend it to everyone..